Adrenaline magazine - Sept 2008
Funny Fishing -
How not to Fish
by Rod Bender
I looked on curiously as a stocky chap with
beetroot-red skin boarded, unbidden, our
boat Reel Blue. Jason
explained that my customer Pete had asked
him along. Pete squirmed and then shrugged
apologetically behind Jason's back, miming
the word "sorry.” "Thanks a million" I mouthed
at Pete as Jason turned towards me, forcing
myself to say "welcome aboard.”
Several hours westwards from Khao Lak
and, for Jason, a sonorous snooze later, we
reached the Continental Drop-off fishing
grounds. By this time the heavy lures were
slowly trailing the boat, buoyed up by surface
balloons. I asked Jason "maybe you'd like to have the first go?" Jason politely declined,
so demonstrating that for all Englishmen, of
whatever ilk, it is as impossible to queue-barge
as it is to decline a cup of tea in the
morning (particularly while still lying in a
warm bed).

We had explained to Jason that the correct technique, when the fish took the bait and the
balloon started to move of its own accord, was to wait for a short while before striking. This
he could never quite get the hang of and so,
by the middle of the afternoon, the average
tally of the party was three fish per angler,
whilst for Jason it was a big zero, none, nil,
an amusingly round figure of nothing. A fish
is reputed to hold a baitfish in its mouth for
a while before swallowing it - whether this
is instinct or because the fish has enough
brains to know that a human may be trying
to skewer it, is debatable. Either way it was
extremely difficult for us to resist pointing out
to Jason that his tally, together with the fair
few hits he had had, proved that so far that
day he had been outsmarted by at least four
Jason bore his lack of fishing fortune so well
that it was easy to forgive him a clumsy cast
that almost impaled my left buttock cheek. I
did, however, think it was rather unnecessary
of him, when I jumped aside to avoid the
flying hook, to yell out that I ought to move
sharpish as my back-side was a bigger target
than a blue whale, never mind a blue marlin.
Also hard to accept was that, whenever any of
the party had a strike, Jason would invariably
cast in the direction of the strike, ignoring our
pleas of the impossibility of catching a marlin
in such a fashion and on one occasion fouling
a fellow angler's line.
His luck, however, finally improved when the
message about not striking too soon finally
penetrated his brain. In response to our cries
of "wait, "wait", "wait" - he actually waited. He was then rewarded with a battle royal against
a really impressive beast of the deep. Jason
was immediately in his element. The veins
bulged blue on his brawny biceps, further
expanding the bust of the buxom blonde
tattooed there. "Hmmm, cunning tattoo
design", I thought to myself.
Jason fought a battle of epic proportions with
the marlin. It seemed that at any moment
his shoulders would pop out of their sockets.
After two hours he finally beat his pelagic
prize-fighter. Maybe it’s impossible to read a
fish's feelings in its face, but to me its huge
eyes seemed full of defeat, exhaustion and
resignation to its fate. But it was not to be.
Just before the fish reached the boat the line
parted. The fish slouched and wallowed with
exhaustion in the water, while Jason was sent
skidding backwards into the scuppers, too
surprised, at first, to curse. Surprisingly, he
finished cursing after only a few moments
and then just sat there for a moment
contemplating what had happened. Ignoring
our commiserations he jumped to his feet with
a cry of "no way, José", leapt onto the rail
and then jumped clean over the side, clearly
aiming to finish the fish with his bare hands.
Well, it’s no surprise that with such stalwart
spirits as Jason's on our side we tend to win
our wars. But generally when the British go
to battle they tend to take weapons with
them. Unfortunately in this instance Jason
had forgotten to take so much as a boat-hook
with him. It’s actually probably just as well
that Jason forgot the boat-hook, however,
as he thus had two hands to swim with and
therefore didn't drown. The marlin, with a
languorous sweep of its tail, glided away as
we helped Jason back on board. All in all a
good day out was had by all, including the
fish, who had been a punk in a previous and
badly-behaved lifetime (thus his rebirth as a
fish) and had fancied getting his nose pierced
with a colourful lure. Our day was thoroughly
enhanced by having someone along who didn't
realise when we were poking merciless fun at
him - and he acquired a story which no doubt
he'll tell his grandchildren. Thus, whilst Jason's
marlin battle didn't end in the desired score of“Jason 1 - Marlin 0", it did at least end in an
honourable draw.
If you suspect that this fishing tale is too
far-fetched to be feasible then you are partly
right, as it is a fusion of several jackass angler
stories. It was only possible to splice together
the several different tales by using a single
jackass. Jason had to fight off stiff competition
to win the role, not least from myself.
Adrenaline strongly encourages catch-and release.
If you chuck him back, who knows
how many more fish-on-paunch pictures he
will star in over the coming years and how
many inane victory grins he will inspire. Well,
if we don't all start catching and releasing
soon we'll all be reduced to fishing for
minnows - which personally I'd feel a bit
ridiculous doing with my 14ft rod and tackle.
So please don't make me look even more of a
fool on the high seas than I already manage
to do by myself, take your victory pic and then
chuck him back where he can be enjoyed by
others after you.

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