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How Not to Have a Motorbike Accident

Almost every day during high season tourists die on Thai roads, almost all of them on motorbikes. Last month an American friend of mine had 40 medical students over, most of whom rented bikes. Whilst nobody was seriously hurt, about a quarter of them fell off and hurt  themselves - four needed hospital treatment.


Here are some tips on how not to become a statistic:

  Don’t learn to ride here, unless you are somewhere really quiet like Koh Yao Noi or Koh Jum.
  When a Thai driver flashes his lights at you, it doesn’t mean “go on, you go first” like it does in the West, it means “get out of my way, I’m going first”
  In Thailand you drive on the left. When turning right off a main road on to a side road, don’t stick to the right side of the lane and then stop, if necessary, just before the side road. If you do this cars will zoom past you from behind at a terrifying speed and proximity. Instead, pull over to the left and wait till the main road is clear in both directions, then make your turn.
  Don’t forget to kick the bike’s stand into the ‘up’ position as you move off.
  Don’t drink and drive. It’s supposedly illegal to do this here, but the police don’t check and don’t care. Don’t be encouraged by the lax legal attitude into doing it.
  Just because you see some Thai people riding with more than one passenger, don’t assume that you will be capable of doing the same.


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