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The Web's Best Guide to Thai Rock Climbing

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Click here for deep water soloing.

Click here for info on the newest crag in Thailand, the Spirit Mountain crag in Chlong Plee, Ao Nang.

Click here for bouldering.


Click here for our Thailand climbing e-zine.

Rock climbing in southern Thailand offers routes of world class quality for both beginners and expert climbers. Climbers of all abilities will have an unbelievable time!

The rock climbing, from single- to multi-pitch routes, is mostly right off the beach. Climbers can also climb on islands scattered throughout Phra Nang bay which are not included in any guide book.

Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Koh Lao Liang

Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Koh Lao Liang

After a day of climbing, you can stroll to your resort pool or the beach for a dip, then perhaps get a relaxation or sports massage. We at Andaman Adventures offer expert guidance to select the most appropriate destinations, crags and routes for your ability.

The classic Thai climbing experience is changing. The tradition of spending weeks or months climbing on Railay and Tonsai is coming to an end.



Why ?

Railay has become significantly more expensive as it becomes more family-oriented. Tonsai now suffers from serious environmental problems.

Many climbers climb Railay/Tonsai while staying a short boat-ride away Ao Nang, which offer better value for money, restaurants and service than Railay.

Railay/Tonsai still has the most amazing climbing in Thailand and should not be missed, the problems there are to do with value for money, service levels and restaurants, not the crags, which are as superb as ever.



The last few years have seen some amazing new development in climbing in Thailand.

In addition to the unmissable climbing on Railay/Tonsai, four places have emerged as prime destinations for climbers and non-climbers alike: Ao Nang, Koh Lao Liang, Koh Yao Noi and Koh Phi Phi

Image: King Climbers


Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Railay, Tonsai


Whilst superb for experienced climbers, Ao Nang, Koh Yao Noi and Koh Lao Liang aren't the best places to learn to climb, as they don't have many easy routes. Koh Phi Phi has lots of great easy routes, making it ideal for beginners, but is not a great destination anymore. Click here for the reasons why. Unless you want to party hard and don't mind lots of night-time noise, we reccommend you learn to climb on Railay, which is a good and economical place to do so.



During high season lots of other people will be doing the same thing. Unfortunately most of the Railay climbing shops take their beginners to the same place, the 1-2-3 crag.


In high season this is inundated with over a dozen guides all shouting at different customers. Nobody knows who's shouting at who, so guides can't communicate with their learners. It's still safe, but not a quality learning experience.

1-2-3 is the easiest crag to get to, so that's where almost everybody goes. We try to avoid this crag, which is usually but not always possible, depending on the weather.

Too many climbers are disappointed by being part of a large group sharing the services of a single guide. It is not unusual here for 6 climbers to share a single guide and rope.

We at Andaman Adventures promise to maintain a maximum customer to guide ratio of 3:1. No other company in Thailand, to our knowledge, promises this. We also try to avoid the packed 1-2-3 crag, when possible. We offer a special deal for private guiding, at only THB 4,500 for 2 people.

See the Railay-Tonsai climbing page for more on Railay climbing, and for more prices.

Experienced Climbers

If you can lead and have your own gear, you don't need any help in high season - if you're coming solo, its easy to find a partner (but be careful who you choose, as your partner poses the greatest danger to your safety).


If you're coming in low season you may find it difficult to find a partner on Railay/Tonsai or Phi Phi. Lao Liang will be closed, and you'll almost certainly not be able to find a partner on Koh Yao Noi. Contact us for a guide price - if all you need is showing round, rather than a rope-gun, we can give you an especially good price.

Rock Climbing Destination Guides

Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Railay, Tonsai For climbing information on the southern Thailand destinations, click on the destinations in the map below.

Stop Press - It's not on the map on the right yet, but the new Ao Nang crag is now ready for climbers to visit, click here for more on the newest and the most exciting new climbing destinations in Thailand, Ao Nang.


climb thailand
Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Lao Liang

Ao Nang's Spirit Mountain crag is a good candidate for being the best in the whole country. Both in terms of diversity of styles and grade range, it is the best in the country.

Rock Climbing Route Database

Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Railay, Tonsai We have added all the climbing routes in southern Thailand into a routes database.
Click on a destination to see a crags and route database for that destination. climb thailand

Destination - General Guides

Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Railay, Tonsai This section gives non-climbing, general information about the climbing destinations.
Click on a destination for general information about that destination. climb thailand


Rock climbing Thailand, bouldering, Railay, Tonsai

We can offer you excellent rates on Railay/Tonsai and Ao Nang resorts.

We can also offer competitive rates on Koh Yao Noi, Koh Phi Phi and especially on Koh Lao Liang, where we believe we currently offer the web's cheapest prices.

During low season it's not necessary to book in advance. In high season you can still find somewhere to stay without booking, but all the best places will be full. You may have to trek around for hours with a full pack to find a room, which will often be one of the least desirable and worst value ones at the destination.

We don't only offer expensive rooms, we also have budget rooms available.

climb koh lao liang
lao liang We can often book a room for you cheaper than you can do it yourself, and we guarantee that it will never be more expensive. If you book through us and later find you could have booked cheaper elsewhere, we'll refund the difference. We earn our income from the commissions that hotels pay us, not from our customers, so our advice and booking services are free to you. In addition to being able to book you rooms in most destinations, we can also take care of all of your transport, day-trip and transfer needs.


Click here for our safety advice

12-Night Package

climb koh yao noi

"Hi, I'm Fon. I'm the Marketing Director of the company and a keen climber. In addition to offering guiding and equipment rental services at these climbing destinations, we combine them into a two-week climbing holiday itinerary, ensuring that you get not just the best rock climbing holiday in one area of Thailand, but the best rock climbing holiday throughout the whole of Thailand.

No other Thai company offers such a multiple-destination climbing holiday itinerary. Why climb just one bit of Thailand, when with us you can climb the best sites in the entire country ? Click here for a 2-week holiday itinerary."

We've kept the price way down by choosing budget resorts and assuming that you can lead and that you have all your own gear.


Climb Thailand - Magazine Articles

Click here for our Thailand climbing e-zine.

Click here for an article on the health benefits of climbing. Click here for a base jumping article. Click here for an article on climbing the Thaiwand Wall, Railay, possibly the finest tropical crag in the world. Click here for a magazine article on Thailand rock climbing safety and accidents. The bravest climbers in Thailand are the Thai guys who scale rock-faces with primitive equipment to harvest birds' nests. Click here for an article on the bird's nest collector climbers of Thailand's Andaman coast. Click here for a magazine article about a rock-climbing sea safari trip to Koh Yao Noi.


Rock Climbing Thailand Photo Gallery

climb thailand

Image: King Climbers

Click here to access the Thailand climbing photo gallery.


climb thailand Home Page


Andaman Sky, Co., Ltd, 454/2 Moo 1, Ao Nang, Thailand




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