Pimalai Resort - Rates
How can we offer such low rates at Pimalai ?
The answer is that, unlike the big booking engines like expedia, bookings and agoda, we promote Pimalai in print. The resort management appreciate this and give us lower rates than they do to the other websites. We are not allowed to publish these rates on the website, as if we do then the resort could get complaints from the big booking engines because the rates to the booking engines aren't as low as our rates. For the best rates at Pimalai, you need to contact us.
In addition to offering lower rates, we also offer a detailed knowledge of the resort, meaning we can request the best room numbers for you. The main author of this website, Simon Ramsden, lived at Pimalai in a Deluxe room for 4 months a few years ago, so we know exactly which the best rooms are.
If you would like a free electronic copy of our book "Southeast Asia on More than a Shoestring" (300 A4 pages, 100,000 words) then contact us. This is the only luxury guidebook to southeast Asia in existence. It is also the book in which we devote a considerable ammount of space to praising Pimalai, which we believe to be, quite simply, the best beach resort in the country. This is an opinion worth listening to, as we've visited and reviewed over 300 Thai beach resorts, so we know what we are talking about.
Andaman Sky, Co., Ltd, 454/2 Moo 1, Ao Nang, Thailand