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Koh Jum / Koh Phu

Koh Jum / Koh Phu is a small island situated between Koh Lanta and Krabi Town. Whilst the southern end of the island is known as Koh Jum (‘Jum Island’), the northern part bears the entirely different name Koh Phu (‘Phu Island’). This means that people journey from one ‘island’ to another, without ever stepping on a boat. Such a daft naming system is presumably not only tolerated but enjoyed because it is ‘sanuk’ (‘fun’) and is just one more of the many idiosyncrasies from which Thais extract so much mirth.
Whatever its name or names, the island is currently one of Thailand’s best destinations for those seeking unspoiled beauty and tranquility, although there’s not much to do beyond a bit of snorkeling and sun-worshipping. If you becoming bored then, for an unforgettable adventure, hike to the top of the island and then sleep overnight in hammocks slung between trees – contact to sort out the details. Whilst most of the accommodation is basic and there are no luxury hotels, the low-key, comfortable and clean Ting Rai Bay Resort enjoys a pristine and secluded location which many visitors feel more than makes up for its lack of fancy facilities.

Always a good sign for those seeking a pristine tropical idyll, Koh Jum / Phu has no jetty or dock - the ferry from Krabi Town stops offshore and is met by longtail boats, into which visitors hop for the ride ashore. It is a small island where the few deserted roads are unsealed and pot-holed, posing a challenge for the inexperienced rider. There is however less need to rent a bike in order to get around these days, as the local taxi service has recently been significantly upgraded: last year the island’s taxi driver added a side-car to his motorbike.

For such a lovely and unspoiled island, Koh Jum / Koh Phu is surprisingly easy to get to, via a short boat-ride from Krabi Town. This accessibility makes this idyllic island a good candidate for being the Andaman Sea'a most accessible hideaway.


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