Bookings and Payments Procedure for Thailand Holidays
A deposit of about 50% of the cost of the holiday is payable at the time of booking your holiday. The exact percentage of the deposit varies from booking to booking, and is determined by the deposit requirements of the resorts into which you are booked.
Within one working day of placing your booking you will receive an invoice detailing the total cost, the deposit amount and the booking reference.
You should then go to our page
Enter your booking reference where requested and you will be shown, for your confirmation, the payment amount and your name and email address.
After checking that these are correct, click either the PayPal or the PaysBuy icon, as instructed on your invoice, and you will be transferred to either the Paypal or the Paysbuy secure website to input your card details. Choose the Paypal button or the Paysbuy button as instructed in your invoice. We generally use PaysBuy for Thai customers, and Paypal for overseas guests.
Balance Payments for Holidays
The balance of the holiday is payable on arrival in Thailand. In certain circumstances we may be willing to split the balance payment into two sums, one sum payable on arrival, and the other part-way through your holiday. If you wish to do this, contact us.
Andaman Sky Co., Ltd, are a bonded member of the Tourism Authority of Thailand, licence number 33/3171. Click here for more about us and here for 24 reasons why booking with us is an excellent choice.