This hotel is in Klong Muang, 15 miunutes drive from Ao Nang. Some people will like Klong Muang, others will loath it, click here for more on Klong Muang.
This resort offers big brand reliability, so you know what you are getting when you book here. For families with small children who just want to paddle and swim in the pool the Sofitel will be OK, but not for older children, who will bore of the area - there is nothing much to do in Klong Muang.
There are several significant problems with this resort:
(a) It is not located on a beach. Sure, it has a nice big pool, but most people like a beach too.
(b) It is located across a busy road from Klong Muang North beach, along which rumble big lorries transporting gravel to the big rusty container ships moored at the rusty pier. It's all rather ugly and the lorries kick up dust clouds, which aren't too bad, but aren't too wonderful either.
There is a golf course. Basically the Sofitel is only good for selfish golfers who don't care what their poor kids or wives think of the resort. For couples there are way more romantic hotels than this big concrete block, for families there are much more fun places to stay.