Family soft adventure Thailand, snorkel, island hop, climb Thailand, Ao Nang, Koh Lao Liang, Railay, ko, lao liang island, laoliang,
vacation, adventure sports, thailand holiday, romantic, Thailand climbing, Thailand family holiday, Simon Ramsden, Andaman Sky
Thailand Scuba Diving Dive Site Directory
Area |
Krabi |
Site |
Koh Kom |
Location |
Outcrop to the southerneast of Podah Nok |
Depth |
Average 12m / Maximum 20m |
The seascape around the western side of the outcrop features numerous terraced shelves which drop down to an area of large rocks.
The gaps between the rocks act as shelters for a selection of medium-sized vertebrates including large dog-faced pufferfish and groupers. Moorish idols and schooling bannerfish patrol among many sea whips and bushy black corals. |
There is also a small cave, the shallower exit of which leads to an elevated rocky plateau which is densely carpeted with magnificent sea anemones; which are themselves occupied by collections of saddleback and tomato anemonefish. |
Watching out for the Reef: Coral Conservation Guide for Divers
• Avoid touching live corals. You can kill them with your bare hands.
• Keep your gauge and octopus hoses close to yourself and prevent them damaging the reef.
• Secure your weight belt. Dropping of the weights can destroy the reef.
• Refrain from chasing or touching animals, especially manta rays and whale sharks.
•Maintain a comfortable distant and enjoy
watching them!
Many divers unintentionally destroy corals whilst diving.
Here are a few guidelines on how to avoid doing so.
• Use the correct amount of weight to aid in your buoyancy.
• Control your fins; keep them away from the reefs and avoid kicking sand onto the corals.
• Do not pick up organic objects (dead or alive) from the sea. Likewise, please do not buy shells or other decorative products made from sea animals.
• Do not stand or rest on the stone-like corals. After all, they are living animals.
Andaman Sky, Co., Ltd, 23/8 Moo 2, Ao Nang, Thailand
Thailand climbing, family holiday thailand, thailand family holiday, climb Thailand, Ao Nang, Koh Lao Liang, Railay, island hopping, holiday thailand, ko lao liang, vacation, laoliang, lao liang island, adventure sports, thailand holiday, romantic holiday thailand, thailand romantic holiday, Simon Ramsden Thailand, Andaman Sky Thailand