Family soft adventure Thailand, snorkel, island hop, climb Thailand, Ao Nang, Koh Lao Liang, Railay, ko, lao liang island, laoliang,
vacation, adventure sports, thailand holiday, romantic, Thailand climbing, Thailand family holiday, Simon Ramsden, Andaman Sky

Island Hoppen Snorkel
Kajaken Duiken in Thailand
Klimmen Deep H2O Solo
fish thailand elephant thailand
Vissen Olifanten tocht
Plus Trek, ATV (4 banden motor), Wild water varen & Bungee Jumpen

Reis Tips:
  Kultuur shock
  Verkeers veiligheid
  Bar etiquette
  Hoe je naar Thailand kunt komen
  Lokale vluchten
  Weer Berichten
  Wat een goede tijd is om te komen
How Not To:
  Hoe je NIET moet klimmen
  Hoe je NIET moet vissen
  Hoe je NIET moet duiken

Amon 'Mansions'

It is rather stretching it to describe this establishment as a mansion, but it’s not a bad choice for somewhere cheap and clean to sleep. There are better budget places available in Ao Nang these days, for example the Top View, the J Hotel, the Oriental Guest House, Harvest House, Phra Nang Flora House and the Titti Guest House (though of these only the Top View and J Hotel are near the beach). The stairways are as gloomy as some of the staff here, but the rooms are clean and smell OK.

The bathrooms are a bit tired, with some signs of mould and stains visible, but are not so bad as to offend the seasoned budget traveller. The balconies could use a coat of paint, but afford decent views from the upper floors. Some have better sea-views than others. If you want to book a room with a nice view, contact us and we’ll make sure you get a room with a view, the guest house is only 200 metres from our office, so one of us will go round and choose one that suits your requirements. Click here for a map.

Breakfast here is adequate, and improved greatly if you walk to nearby Ocean Mart and buy some decent bread, then ask the staff to toast that for you in place of the sweet, white stuff that masquerades in this and all other budget hotels in Thailand. If you book through us we’ll give you a free, fresh, quality baker’s loaf on arrival. Don’t eat lunch or dinner in the hotel, as there are better and cheaper places nearby.


Ao Nang

Click here for everything you need to know about Ao Nang - beaches, sports, things to do, hotels, restaurants, nightlife, tetting there and away.


Rustig avontuurlijk 12 Nachten
Eiland Hoppen
5, 6 & 12 Nachten
Kajak Thailand
3,4,5,6 & 12 Nachten
Snorkel Thailand
6, 9 & 12 Nachten
Duik in Thailand
4, 6 & 11 Nachten
Klimmen in Thailand
12 Nachten +/-
fish thailand Vissen Thailand 4, 6, 12 Nachten
  Silly Signs
  Extreme Body Piercing
  Language Funny
  Bangkok Clubbing
  Bike Accident
  Climbing with Ann
  Scorpion Sting
  Walking ATM
  Songkran Water Festival
  Ao Nang Family Fishing
  Phang Nga Bay Sea Safari
  Base Jumping
  Birds' Nest Collectors
  Deep Water Solo
  Dive Similan
  Monster Fishing
  Dive with Elephants
  Shop with Sharks
  Extreme Sailing
  Typhoon Sailing

Thailand climbing, family holiday thailand, thailand family holiday, climb Thailand, Ao Nang, Koh Lao Liang, Railay, island hopping, holiday thailand, ko lao liang, vacation, laoliang, lao liang island, adventure sports, thailand holiday, romantic holiday thailand, thailand romantic holiday, Simon Ramsden Thailand, Andaman Sky Thailand