Adrenaline magazine - Sept 2008
Bird's Nest Climbers of Thailand
Written by Simon Ramsden
Rock-climbers who wish to climb off the
beaten track are advised to learn a little
about the birds’ nest collectors who control
large numbers of perfect climbing islands
in Phang Nga bay and off the southwestern
Thai coastline. Climbers who climb such crags
without permission will find themselves in
very, very deep trouble. Please be advised not
to under any circumstances do it.
Andaman Sea birds’ nests have been
consumed in China for at least 1,500 years
and their export by the collectors of the
Malay Peninsula and southern Thailand was
well established by the early 18th century.
Nowadays the largest market for them is Hong
Kong, which consumes 100 tonnes of them,
worth THB 1,000,000,000, every year. Black
nests sell for an average of THB 10,000 / kilo,
whilst perfect white nests can fetch as much
as THB 50,000 / kilo. The nest of the swiftlet Collocalia Fuciphaga
is highly prized by the Chinese as a powerful
pick-me-up tonic and is typically ingested at
the banquets of the rich in the form of bird’s
nest soup.

The nests themselves are tiny
translucent cups about the size of a small
egg. They are made by the male swiftlet from
glutinous threads of its own saliva, which it
weaves into a cup that dries to become thin
and translucent like fine porcelain. Chinese
parents feed bird’s nest soup, cooked with
chicken broth or coconut milk, to their
children in the belief that it will improve their
complexions, promote growth and generally
act as a tonic. Recent research has indeed
shown that the nests, which taste rather like
noodles, contain a water-soluble glycoprotein
that may promote cell division in the immune
The low-down - Birds Nest Climbers of Thailand
Nest collecting is skilled and dangerous work, high up on the ceilings of the caves which
abound on the Thai coast and its offshore
islands. The intrepid collector shins barefoot
up rickety trellises of bamboo scaffolding,
ropes and bridges, tapping as he goes to make
sure the bamboo is sound. He lights his way in the black caves with a torch of bark soaked in resin held between his teeth and uses a
special three-pronged tool called a rada to
harvest the nests. To use bare hands to pick a nest displeases and angers the gods.
If a nest is too old it cannot be made into top quality
soup, but can be made into second rate
soup. A nest needs to be made from
fresh saliva, with no feathers or dirt. A fresh
nest is white, an old one is black. A bird's nest is made of nothing but saliva: no twigs, nothing else. It is made in a similar way to
fibreglass, with the bird laying lots of threads
on top of each other.
A sustainable supply
of birds’ nests is ensured and the survival
of the species is protected because nests
are collected only when empty. The most productive island for nests is Koh Petra, from which over 100 kg of nests are collected 3
times in a good year. Koh Lao Liang supplies
about 30 kg of nests 3 times a year.
After the chicks have flown away the mother
will eat the nest in order to replenish her
energy supply. The collectors, of whom there
are 60 in the Koh Petra Marine Park, must find
the nest before the mother eats it.
If a collector accidentally
touches a nest he will descend at once,
taking it as a sign from the gods that it would
be dangerous for him to continue climbing that day. During the collecting season, from February to May, the collectors work without
food from sunrise until sunset, when the caves
fill with flocks of bats and roosting swiftlets.
Sometimes nest-gatherers have to swim underwater to reach a submerged cavern or to squeeze through tiny blowhole passages to
reach a cave’s ceiling. The caves themselves
are often spectacular cathedrals of stalagmites and stalactites, covered in thick carpets ofguano and seething with hordes of golden cockroaches.
Big business - Birds Nest Climbers of Thailand
Birds’ nest collecting is a lucrative business
and is tightly controlled. The collectors have
an exclusive government concession to collect
nests in the Marine Park. The nest-collection
concession, which is auctioned every 5 years,
costs about THB 100,000,000.
The nests are so precious that they
are protected by guards during the
collection season, in order to deter
robbers who might steal them. The
guards also protect the birds from
natural predators such as snakes,
cockroaches and eagles. In spite
of the protection afforded by the
legitimate authorities, guards have
been bribed and nests robbed.
One miscreant, for whom the
consequences of discovery were very
adverse, was detected by his sudden
show of wealth, which he had spent
on gold necklaces and pick-up trucks.

Western Climbers Help Out
Western rock-climbers including
Trevor Massiah, Steve Findley, Mike
Weitzman and Dan Donovan have
secured anchors inside some of
the caves, so allowing collectors to
shimmy up the ropes in total safety. The Koh
Lao Liang collectors told this editor that the
most useful rope put up for their benefit in
2006 was the rope that Steve and Dan put up
on Lao Liang South. The rope put up by Trev
and Mike was in an impressive and almost
implausibly impossible place, but not terribly
useful, as the birds had deserted the cave.
Mike described, for Adrenaline, the process of
putting up the anchor:
“At one point I saw Trev facing a 20 metre
pendulum swing if he fell. What’s more,
the only thing that would then prevent him
plummeting 30 metres into the sea was an
inadequately small metal nut jammed into
a crack and then attached to the rope with
a karabiner. I was more fearful for the life
of my leader than I had ever been before,
or have been since. I was possibly about to
become an involuntary landing pad for 80kg
of hard-as-limestone Antiguan/Bristolian meat
and gristle. Trev was attempting to throw a
sling around a thin spike of rock out of his
sight, so that he could then secure the rope
to the sling. He was blindly and desperately
searching for the rock-spike while barely
clinging on to rock that was greasy with dirty
bat guano.
I was securing Trevor by feeding his rope
through a small metal belay (braking) device:
if he fell I would apply the brake. Doing this
would arrest his fall, but only provided that
the inadequately small metal nut wasn’t ripped
loose. This was likely to happen if Trev fell.
I also was inadequately secured, by a metal
hook poorly placed in a shallow pocket of rock.
I knew this hook would pop out of the pocket
if I fell. Trev, in his usual understated British
manner said, “I might be in for a bit of a swing
here.” I thought, “If Trev comes off, we’re in
for a mid-air cuddle and then a swim – and
I don’t at all fancy attempting to swim all
tangled up in rope and gear.”
Luckily the blind placement held, so Mike
avoided his swim - and his cuddle.
Unsurprisingly, Thai nest-harvesters like the
safety that Western rock-climbers and their
technology have brought to their jobs. In the
past between 2 and 5 people died collecting
nests every 5 years; most years one of the 60
collectors died. The usual cause was that the
bamboo broke or came out of the hole into
which it had been jammed. Prior to collecting,
birds’ nest climbers pray and brush their hair.
They are forbidden to eat island animals, such
as snake, iguana and birds, because these
animals belong to the island. In addition they
are supposed to remain celibate (that’s the
collectors, not the animals).
Click here for more information on climbing on Koh Yao Noi, Koh Lao Liang, Railay/Tonsai and Koh Phi Phi.
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