King Cruiser Wreck - Diving Holidays and Tours in Southern Thailand


Dive sites

King Cruiser Wreck

The 85m ‘King Cruiser’ passenger ferry sank on the 4th May 1997 after straying several kilometers off course and hitting Anemone reef. The impact also tore a large hole in the vessel’s hull. King Cruiser has now become an effective artificial reef and provides a good site for deep diving and wreck exploration. The wreck is home to large schools of snappers and has an abundance of Lionfish and well camouflaged Scorpionfish. Depths range from 14-30m and there can be strong currents depending on tidal movements. The sunken vessel attracts a high diversity of marine life; invertebrates have taken up residence and juvenile reef hover around the now barnacle-encrusted frame. Daylight penetrates the majority of the wreck, though there are some areas that can only be explored with an artificial light source. Beware that quite a few areas have collapsed ceilings-these should not be entered at all.

Suitability: Advanced Divers


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King Cruiser Wreck - Diving Holidays and Tours in Southern Thailand