Dive Thailand
Surin Islands
Mu Koh Surin Marine National Park is located 80km due
west of Ranong Province along Thailand’s west coast.
The largest island is Koh Surin Nua which has an area
of 19 sq.km and a highest point 240m above sea level. To its immediate
southwest lies the slightly smaller Koh Surin Tai; between the two is
a strait only 200m wide, which can be crossed on foot during low waters.
The only residents on Koh Surin Nua are the park officials, although
Koh Surin Thai has small communities of Chao Ley Gypsies on some of
it’s eastern beaches.
Scuba Diving in Thailand around Surin Islands
The Surin Islands scuba diving sites follow along fringing reefs that slope gently
to the sea-bed and, in contrast, along the walls of sheers pinnacles.
The reefs and their inhabitants are thankfully now protected, but this
hasn’t always been the case. Sadly there are isolated areas of
damage which have restricted the selection of listed sites. However
the jurisdiction extends to include Richelieu Rock, which remains in
pristine condition.
Thailand Scuba Diving - Turtle Ledge, Surin Islands
Locations: Koh Surin Tao’s southeastern coastline.
Depth: Average 8m / maximum 20m
The site was awarded its name from the frequent sightings of turtles.
It is also excellent for night diving.
The higher portions of the Turtle Ledge reef slope have numerous gardens of sea anemones,
below which are solitary and magnificent Sea Anenomes, inhabited by a variety
of anenomefish. Clusters of stag and elkhorn corals shelter giant clams
and encrusting sponges from the predation of bullet head parrotfish. Possibly Thailand scuba diving's best site for turtles.
Scuba Dive Thailand - Koh Torinla, Surin Islands
Location: Off the southwest of Koh Surin Tai.
Depth: Average 12m / maximum 27m
The eastern area of Koh Torinla has a small garden of magnificent sea anemones which
are hosted by pink skunk and clark’s anemonefish. Smnall groupers
and coral trout shelter beaneath many fine flower corals; members of
the Chronis family dart among large tables of staghorns. Beyond these
gardens are numerous smooth porous corals – including lesser and
greater stars – with schools of bicolour parrotfish, blue spotted
groupers and pairs of Emporer angelfish all venturing between the rocks.
The rocks in the shallows host hermit crabs, urchins
and cleaner shrimps, and are rich in colourful featherstars. This
is one of the few locations where divers can scuba dive in Thailand and see large numbers of bumphead
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